Thursday, April 21, 2022

Watching videos faster? YES you can!


It's been a while that I have been trying to learn how to watch videos faster. I was told about reading faster and I think I can read faster that I used to.

When I started adjusting the speed of videos that I watch, I was cautioned that I may not be able to enjoy watching normal-speed ones. My reasoning? I'd like to keep my brain busy and keep it awake while keeping the momentum of being interested. Further, I can control the depth and versions of imaginations, at which at times, takes away from the video itself. In short, I'd like to absorb the content faster. The only way is to be faster.

Curious? Take a look at readings and opinions about watching faster by starting here:

Don't you think you should?

Even faster though is to try the following:

1. Open a video (or on Youtube) you want and play it at normal speed as you used to.

2. After 2 minutes, adjust it to 1.25x and try to keep up with understanding the content. 

3. After 3 or 5 minutes or when you are comfortable, adjust to faster speeds

The rule is: only adjust to faster speed when you are able to comprehend/understand the content. Start with your normal speed and adjust incrementally while still comprehending the content. This, like all skills, takes practice.

Good luck!

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